Monday, December 2, 2013

Of Rats and Robots: Part One

This is a Portal fanfiction that I never quite finished. It's almost completely non-canonical, since it takes place in it's own universe rather than the standard Valve universe (if I ever do another story based off of a Valve game, I'm going to call the Valve universe the Valveverse)

Chapter 1: Space
Space Core was, unbelievably, bored of space. Space Core was also, to a lesser extent, bored of Wheatley's incessant chatter.
"-and I can see where you're coming from, I mean with all this stuff out here, but I myself, personally, would prefer being able to move closer to all those small twinkly things-"
"Stars," corrected Space Core.
"Ah, yes, stars! Stars, that's what they're called. Fitting, in a certain... uh... a certain kind of way. Sounds about right, sort of an appropriate name, wouldn't you say? You know what? You guys need names. Good names. Let's see... you'll be... um... I'm checking my files for good names... how about... Galileo! Yep, that's a good name for you. Now, on to Fact Core. Fact Core, he's a pretty smart guy, so maybe... Albert? Or Socrates? Hmm, tough call. Eh, well. Moving ahead. As for Adventure Core, his new moniker will be- no, wait, I think he might already have a name. Uh, well, back to Fact Core. Maybe we should call him-"
Space Core's- or, rather, Galileo's- visual receptor widened. Hurtling towards them was a large object.
"What? No. No, I was going to call him Houston, seeing as how we're orbiting the moo- WHAT IS THAT!?"
Galileo tuned out Wheatley's panicked cries as he attempted to identify the craft.
"S... S... Ap... er... ture. S.S. Aperture."
"WHAT!? NO, NO, NOT HER, ANYTHING BUT HER, PLEASE NOT HER, NOOO-" Wheatley's screams were cut off as two mechanical arms grabbed the two personality cores and pulled them inside the spaceship.
"Wud ju two idjits jest shud up! I'm tryin tuh run a diagnothtic over he'uh!" A maroon core appeared from behind a computer terminal. The core whacked itself against a wall.
"Ah, that's better. I should probably get my linguistics chip fixed. The name's Guy, more commonly known as Hero or Pride Core, depending on who you ask. Don't bother introducing yourselves; I already know who you are. I'm just that good. Wheatley, kindly stop screaming. GLaDOS had no idea this ship even exists. It was launched a little while before She was built, as a fail safe. Well, time to introduce you to the crew," after which Guy muttered, "even if they pale in comparison to me..."
At this, Guy started yelling.
Wheatley heard an all too familiar sound- peeerw, thoomp! - as a hole opened in the fabric of space-time on the wall. A tall, skinny robot with thick arms and legs walked through the portal. The robot stood on tiptoe, heels supported by prongs, looking like some cross between Chell, Atlas, and P-body. This robot had and intelligent dark green eye. Following the robot were two humans, one tall and lanky, the other short and beefy.
"Meet the crew: Beanpole, Erik, and Dave."
"Humph," the robot, Beanpole, muttered, "I don't really have time to meet a bunch of drifters. I have important work to do. A pleasure, I'm sure."
Beanpole gave a slight nod to Wheatley and Galileo, walked back through the portal, and closed it.
"Um, well, halloo! I'm Wheatley, and this is Galileo," Wheatley said, glancing at Galileo.
"I'm bored of space."
Wheatley gasped.
"W-w-w-what? I- I mean, that's, um, great? S-so, uh, you don't mind that we're going back to Earth?"
"I want to go home."
This got Wheatley thinking. If Galileo could break his programming, did that mean that he didn't have to be a moron?

All About [insert name here]

Call me whatever you want. I don't really care. The point of this blog isn't for me to flout random tidbits about me and my life. It's about sharing my genius with the rest of the world. "Genius" being used very loosely. But I digress. My real name is - wait for it - Aiden Pierce Holdaway. Ironically, Aiden Pierce effectively means brimstone and Holdaway means hole by the road. You can put two and two together.

And that's my introduction. Huzzah. Most of the stories I'll be putting on here are from when I was younger, dumber, and naiver. So don't be too harsh. Constructive criticism is good; destructive criticism is bad.
But like I said before, I don't really care. So have a blast. Or not.